Port in
the act
Forget milking. After the white stuff comes the red. Porting is the latest liquid-based craze. Take a look.
Scroll down for the video.
Unless you were living under an essay-shaped rock last month, you’ll have noticed our student cousins in Newcastle sparked a new craze.
But their effort, milking, is sure to be surpassed by this cracking effort from our brothers in Durham.
Porting sees the chaps don dress shirts and smart trousers, then pour bottle after bottle of the fortified wine over their heads.
Subway, crumby nightclubs, the Students’ Union: nowhere’s safe from the porters. The Tab counted 19 bottles. We’re looking at around £200 worth of booze here people.
The Durham effort certainly raises the stakes in the liquid-pouring contest. This video really is a classic.