How Offal! Uni Tests On 36 Animals Per Day
We’re not horsing around!
Despite winning a £1 million grant to reduce animal testing back in March 2012, figures released show Liverpool University’s animal testing is still in full flow.
It has emerged 13,453 animals were tested on in the university during 2012, averaging at around 36 per day.
These experiments included tests on:
- 7,918 mice
- 1, 532 cattle
- 731 poultry
- 294 sheep
- 83 RED squirrels
These experiments recorded vary from anything to do with ‘understanding rodents’ to examining the effects of electrical stimulation on skeletal muscle.
They’ve herd enough
Other experiments carried out include investigating breast cancer in rodents and looking into the effects of breeding, maintenance and generation of genetically altered animals.
Whilst the majority of experiments were classified as ‘mild’, as standardized by the Home Office licence classification in terms of pain, the university maintains all animals were used for medical, veterinary or biological research.
A spokesperson for the University of Liverpool said:
“Research involving animals continues to make a vital contribution to the understanding, treatment and control of a range of major health problems including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and mental illness.
“While new methods have enabled scientists and medical researchers to considerably reduce work involving animals, there is overwhelming scientific consensus that some work must continue for further fundamental advances to be made.
“The University embraces the principles of reduction, refinement and replacement and is committed to the development of alternative methods such as computer modelling, tissue culture, cell and molecular biology and human clinical research.
“Where the use of animals remains essential, we ensure that the number used is minimised and that procedures, care routines and husbandry are refined to maximise welfare as far as possible. Liverpool’s facilities for animals involved in research are among the best in the UK and far exceed the national standard.”