Guild Boycotts Carnage

Guild of Students boycotts Carnage UK and urges students to avoid the event


The Guild of Students is boycotting controversial club-crawl Carnage, branding it “dangerous” and “offensive.”

In a joint statement with four other unions, the guild call on students to snub the controversial piss-up.

The statement said: “Time and time again, Carnage UK have proved that they are not responsible enough to run safe, well stewarded events.

“We oppose ‘Carnage UK’ operations in Birmingham, which put profit above all and undermine the fantastic charitable events run by student-led societies.

“We condemn the disregard shown by ‘Carnage UK’ for offensiveness and inclusivity. But most of all, we fear for the welfare and safety of students.”

Former NUS President Richard Budden dramatically describes the events as a “real danger to students who get caught up with these nights.”

Amongst safety concerns, the statement also says “Carnage UK events and their themes can be tasteless or even downright offensive with little intervention by its operator.”

Last year’s ‘Pimps and Hoe’s’ theme infuriated the UoB Women’s Association who said it made light of prosititution.