29 degree subjects and why they suck
No degree is safe: Ben Kennedy and Laura Hutchinson ignorantly explain why your degree sucks.
Archaeology: the only good things about it are Lara Croft and Jurassic Park and neither of those exist.
Economics: nobody actually knows what this is.
French: too French.
Music: students sit around all day writing guitar ballads about their feelings.
Physics: none of them wash and they all look like this.
Architecture: spend seven years doodling then work in a chip shop? No thanks.
Politics: you get beaten if you’re not a Tory.
Psychology: you don’t actually learn how to hypnotise people. Bloody pointless.
Philosophy: Paying to think about thinking, nice. Mystic Meg’s got it covered.
Maths: by the time you graduate, you’ll still be shitter than an Excel spreadsheet.
Nutrition: they all drink their own piss and believe in the healing power of crystals.
Management: spend three years learning how to use a photocopier and a hole punch.
Healthcare Science: get regularly kicked in the crotch by Medicine students.
Zoology: Rolf Harris.
Medicine: too many anus inspections.
Geology: highest suicide rate of any subject.
Computer Science: students lose the ability to do anything unless it’s got a screen and a keyboard grafted onto it.
Sociology: universally hated by the student populace (in a poll of over 27,000 people, 67% of them said they ‘hate’ sociology).
Art History: everyone talks like Princess Anne and drives a Bentley.
English: They all spend their free time reading Jane Austen in a meadow while blowing a dandelion.
Theology: There’s no grad scheme at The Vatican or Mecca.
Latin: For Eton boys who want to read spells in Harry Potter and label flowers.
Animal Science: Look what happened to Steve Irwin.
German: The most distressing language on earth.
Creative Writing: Might as well get a degree in cleaning urinals, because that’s what’s going to happen.
Film and TV: English Literature for those who can’t be arsed to read.
Geography: They spend all day colouring in and playing with Google Earth.
Biology: Spend the rest of your life staring at mould and designing a new, improved Cilit Bang.
International Media and Communications Studies: Because calling it Media Studies is just too humiliating.
Think the stereotypes are unfair? Have we missed anything out. Let us know in the Comments!