Stats Reveal True Cost of Uni Boozing
How much are you REALLY spending on nights out?
It’s bad news for Brummies… or maybe they just really love alcohol.
New stats reveal students in Birmingham spend the most on alcohol in bars per week.
All those Fab ‘n’ Fresh and Risa antics are costing Brummie students an average of £68 a week, compared to Southampton students whose weekly boozy bill only costs around £28.42.
Manchester came in second place, with students splurging £63.23.
Surprisingly, despite being infamously expensive, London comes in behind its northern rivals, placing third in the alcoholic table.
Students lucky enough to hit the big time in the capital are spending a crippling £61.10 to get tanked up on nights out.
Mike Pearson, a spokesman for the poll run by My Voucher Codes, said: “Alcohol isn’t cheap but that doesn’t stop many dedicating a large chunk of their weekly budget to it.
“But making sure they spend within their limits is vital.”