The porn ultimatum

Dave Cameron’s going to make you call up and plead for porn online. Will you?

Those of you returning to uni next term better prepare for an awkward chat with your internet provider.

David Cameron is calling for porn to be blocked on all computers unless customers opt-in to view smut online.

Scenes not suitable for a family newspaper

The PM is expected to announce automatic family-friendly filters for all new customers, although you can choose to have them switched off.

All existing customers will be contacted by their internet providers and asked whether or not they want the filters switched on.

This could be bad news for students as a Tab survey revealed 87% of you have watched porn at least once.

So will you be opting-in or opting-out of online porn? Vote in our anonymous poll to let us know.

The Tab supposes this rule will bring a whole new meaning to the idea of Virgin broadband…