Oxford Student Union named worst in country
Oxford students slam their union as Sheffield lands top spot…
• Oxford comes bottom with only 36% of students satisfied with the work of OUSU
• St. Mary’s top after satisfying 94% of students
• Party unis Sheffield and Leeds claim second and third
All shook up: Khaki enthusiast DJ Townsend
Oxford has been branded the worst student union in the country according to those it is supposed to represent.
However, it wasn’t all bad news for Oxford students with local rivals Oxford Brookes coming in second from bottom and nemesis Cambridge rounding out the final three.
Oxonians were quick to blame outgoing President David ‘DJ’ Townsend for the poor showing.
An anonymous law finalist at St. Edmund Hall told The Tab: “DJT’s main problem for me was his ‘Jim Jones of Jonestown’ khaki pantsuit. It made me think all OUSU events would be well-staffed by acolytes with Kool-Aid on tap.”
The 5 worst Student Union’s:
125. Durham – 50%
126. Bristol – 48%
127. Cambridge – 42%
128. Oxford Brookes – 37%
129. Oxford – 36%
At the other end of the table it seems that booze was the way to students’ hearts with Sheffield, Leeds and Loughborough all renowned for the quality of their nightlife.
The Sheffield SU has recently spent £2 million on renovating their venues while Leeds students can look forward to the visit of Goldie Lookin’ Chain to their uni on October 11th.
The top 20 Student Union’s:
1. Sheffield – 93%
2. Leeds – 91%
3. Loughorough – 89%
4. Bath – 86%
5. Keele – 84%
6. UEA – 84%
7. Winchester – 83%
8. Teesside – 83%
9. Cardiff – 82%
10. Dundee – 82%
11. Coventry – 81%
12. Surrey – 81%
13. Plymouth – 81%
14. Brunel – 80%
15. Queen’s – 80%
16. Hull – 80%
17. Reading – 80%
18. Harper Adams – 79%
19. Bournemouth – 78%
20. Buckinghamshire New University
Satisfied: Great nights out (such as this one in Sheffield) are a staple offering of the higher ranked SUs
Both Oxford and Oxford Brookes Union officers were not answering their phones at the time of publication. Probably doing something terrible.