Edinburgh Uni caves to public pressure
University commits to eradicating zero hour contracts after being named and shamed
Just yesterday the University and College Union (UCU) sensationally declared Edinburgh University to be the UK’s worst uni when it comes to employing staff on zero hour contracts.
However, in a dramatic climb down today, Edinburgh University has committed itself to eradicating the use of the unfair system.
Fair deal: Edinburgh Uni has promised to change its ways
The dodgy arrangements, used by businesses across the country, have been blasted by employment campaigners.
This is because they allow companies to commit employees to contracts without actually guaranteeing them any work.
Often the conditions include forcing the staff member to remain on call during work hours even if it is unlikely they will be needed.
Whilst figures from the UCU showed that 53% of unis use zero hour contracts, Edinburgh was the worst with 2,712 staff signed up to them.
Eilidh Fraser, deputy director of Human Resources at Edinburgh University, said: “We are pleased to be working in partnership with our trade unions to review our use of ‘hours to be notified’ contracts and maintain our good employment practices, pay and conditions for all our staff.
“This builds on our long-standing positive relations with the unions.”
Mary Senior of the UCU said: “”We will continue to campaign against exploitative casualised contracts in higher education and are eager to work with any other universities who wish to demonstrate they are good employers.”