CTO at The Tab

Want to find out where all the mischief comes from?


The Tab is looking for an experienced WordPress Developer or two to work at the heart of London’s start up world in Warner Yard and take a lead in driving The Tab to the next level.

We are offering big equity (10%) and big salary (£70k plus) for the right WordPress Wizard who wants to own and build the tech side of our media leviathan.

You should have a good understanding of WordPress, coding practices, scaling, security and stability. You should also have good experience of using and working with code control, ideally SVN and GIT. Although this isn’t a design job, it’s good if you have a reasonable eye for good design and understand the importance of things looking right. Responsive is key.


The office

We work closely with the UK’s best WordPress developers – InterconnectIT and the head of development at the Metro (Dave Jensen). There are many opportunities for you to collaborate with and learn from this expert advisory group.

Innovation, wether short term tweaks or a long projects, should be at the heart of all work. We will be looking to you for this drive and vision. Social is a massive part of our traffic (65%) so Facebook and Twitter skills are key.

We are happy for you to manage others and want someone with leadership skills who can build up their own team.

Our office is certainly a fun place to work. If you like the content on The Tab, you’ll like the rest of the team – we’re currently nine and growing fast.

The network currently has 35 universities, 1.3 million uniques users a month and 1,000 plus writers.

University guide

Our next big project is a photo guide to the UK’s best Universities. You will be able to take ownership of this project and lead from the front.

Required experience

Source control, especially using SVN/GIT
WordPress plugin and theme development
Experience in the publishing or journals industry
Ability to use Windows, OSX, and Debian (the more the better!)
A sense of humour
A fundamental understanding of data and computer science

If you think you’re a little inexperienced or not skilled enough for this job then still get in touch because a: you’d be surprised, and b: we know how to spot the best developers out there. Some of you are too humble. Some a little too proud. We can tell the difference. And even if you don’t make it for this job there will be opening level positions coming as well and all applications are kept on file.


[email protected]