Obituary: selfies 1900-2013
Selfies, the self-portrait photographs popularized by camera phones, have died after Ed Miliband said they were his “new thing”.
It’s the final nail in the coffin – now that cringey Cameron and pleb Miliband have killed the selfie, it’s time to commemorate the best self-taken snaps of the year. It might be all over, but in a final farewell, we bring you the best selfies of 2013.
ย The Healthie
Oh, do you work out? Why not tell everyone about it by posting a Healthie?
The Teenage Selfie
Scroll back to your Facebook page from 2008. A world of embarrassment awaits you. And no, you weren’t being ironic.
The Pet Selfie
The cutest selfie of them all. Grab the cat or dog and get snapping.
The Uglie
This type of selfie shot to fame earlier this year – the uglier you make yourself, the more fun you’ll look.
The Wealthie
For those who’ve got the cash to splash and want the world to know it.
The Edgie
A fairly obvious one, really. Just you, getting your edge on. Kooool.
The Fam Selfie
Selfies with the rellies.
ย The Stealthie
A little bit creepy, but there’s a selfie for when others are sleeping, blissfully unaware…
The Grannie
These are very popular at the mo. Get ya granny on board
The Legsie
Face not up to snapping standards today? Take a boring picture of your legs instead.
The Celebritie
Celebs manage to pull off a flawless selfie. You just look like a fool.
The Elfie
A seasonal spin on the classic – the cringier the christmas jumper the better.
The Lecture Selfie
Lectures are boring. Let’s take selfies!
The Belfie
Found yourself in Belfast? Put a Northern Irish twist on your selfie.