The best student videos of 2k13
Students do the funniest things…
Plenty of students have been up to some ridiculous antics this year. Most of the knobheads have decided to film these antics, and we’ve published many so you can get your fill of schadenfreude.
Student puts his head through a table
Where? Nottingham
What? After a night out, one Notts student decided to smash his face through a coffee table. All for £20.
Flux Toure takeover
Where? Cardiff.
What? 500 students and their rendition of the footy chant sweeping the nation after they refused to leave a nightclub in the Welsh capital.
Blowmeo & Juliet
Where? The sordid carpets of The Ram, Exeter
What? Our news report on the legendary fellatio caught on CCTV after the Safe Sex Ball.
UCL Harlem Shake
Where? Gower Street, London
What? The Harlem Shake was attempted by many but achieved by few (most notably in Liverpool). UCL had one of the better efforts, with the biggest in Europe.
Stirling Hockey in sexist chants
Where? On a bus, in the middle of Scotland.
What? These ‘lads’ came under fire for their sick and sexist chants after joking about miscarriages.
Edinburgh fives
Where? Exeter
What? The traditional game of fives ended in one young chap losing and travelling all the way to Edinburgh. He was then kidnapped on his return leg in Bristol, and forced into all manner of things.
Where? Nottingham’s Hallward Library
What? Revision tension gets a bit much for one lad. “You’re a cunt. Everyone here hates you.”
Fuck you Willetts
Where? The Oxford Union
What? Minister of State for Universities was heckled by protesting students over cuts to uni funding. Spenny Matthews was also present. He got slagged off too.
Where? The best SU in the country (apparently)
What? Loughborough’s Exec decided a remake of Naughty Boy’s La La La was the best way to advertise what they can offer. Shame Naughty Boy filed a complaint and had the audio removed because it was so naff.
Students pose for a video thinking it’s a photo
Where? Nottingham Trent (of course)
What? A horrendous, cringeworthy medley of pointing, posing and pouting for the camera, when actually they’re being filmed. Awkward.
Despite all the stupidity, there’s been some interesting stuff too. Here’s a couple of the long watchers from the best of Tab TV…
EDL in Cambridge
What? In the year of mass right wing protests, our pick of the bunch comes from the EDL march in Cambridge. This gem includes people needing a wee, a lot of beer cans and a Bill Oddie doppelganger.
Where? Sheffield
What? A bunch of drunk students giving us their views on the latest current affairs. “WHO DOESN’T LOVE CUCUMBER SANDWICHES?!”