How to make it in advertising
AdSchool and AdAcademy application deadlines have been extended to Monday 7th April for summer work experience and paid internships with the likes of Saatchi & Saatchi, Publicis and Ogilvy & Mather
There’s more to advertising than meets the eye. Our industry landscape is changing and so are the people we hire.
Following the success of last year’s programmes (see the 2013 crew above), we have announced this morning that with even more interest from our 300 agency members, we are adding on an extra week to find the best graduates and university students to come and work in Adland.
You don’t need any prior experience, nor do you need a book or folio. You don’t need to know how to code or to understand all of the industry jargon (there’s a lot!). All you need is curiosity, enthusiasm and a true passion for advertising.
Similarly, we don’t mind what you studied – there is a role for everyone whether you’re a maths whizz, a social (media) butterfly or just fascinated by how people think.
AdSchool – Penultimate year students…
If you’re in your penultimate year at university and want to try out agency life for the summer before heading back to your final year, then this is the perfect programme for you. Starting in July, spend six weeks in three of the very best agencies in the country, rotating fortnightly. You’ll also attend evening sessions with industry bigwigs, which will give you a chance to listen, learn, ask…and majorly bulk up your contact list for when you’re looking for a job later down the line. You’ll receive a prize sum at the end, too.
AdAcademy – Final year students and grads…
If you’re heading towards your finals as we speak, or perhaps you’ve already graduated, and you’re looking to spend eight weeks in a top-notch London agency (and be paid National Minimum Wage), then AdAcademy is the answer! This will give you the opportunity to work on live client campaigns and pitches, embedding yourself as part of the team. Again, you will attend the invaluable evening sessions, but you’ll also have group and individual projects to complete (including a real client brief) which will give you a great body of work to talk about at your next interview.
But don’t just take our word for it. Here’s some feedback from last year:
“I had such a brilliant time working in my agency, going to the night lectures and making new connections. I was able to work on pitches, take part in briefings and even deliver a presentation single handedly to the head of Sky UK marketing. I feel that I have such an advantage in my final year thanks to the AdSchool”
Jacob Lovewell, who spent his time with Kitcatt Nohr before going back for his final year studying Advertising at The University of Gloucestershire
“….undoubtedly the best decision I’ve ever made. Not only did it give me the rare opportunity to experience agency life, it has landed me my dream job! One of the best things I took away from it was meeting and getting to know inspiring industry mentors and meeting like-minded friends from other agencies.”
Natnalin Thananan, whose internship at Geometry Global turned into a full time job
We’ve had some fantastic applications from those of you who have already applied and we’re starting to sift through some of your compelling video applications addressing everything from the vestibular sensory systems of chickens to why digital now accounts for 30% of UK ad spend.
If you haven’t yet applied, or even if AdSchool and AdAcademy aren’t for you, here are some tips from the top, which will stand you in good stead whatever industry you end up in:
The facts:
• AdSchool and AdAcademy both start in July lasting 6 weeks and 8 weeks minimum respectively
• Applications need to be submitted by 17:30pm on Monday 7th April
• Candidates must answer the questions: “What is your favourite campaign and why?” and “Tell us something we don’t know…” – preferably via a video submission using the link below
• Some of this year’s brilliant agencies include Cheil, Grand Union, IPG Mediabrands, MBA, Ogilvy & Mather, Lowe Profero, Publicis, Saatchi & Saatchi, St Luke’s, The Minimart and WCRS, and we’re signing up more all the time. Keep checking www.theadmission.co.uk for updates!