15 amazing pictures that will make you wish you weren’t in the library
The weather is seriously bumming us all out, and we’re all spending far too much time in the library, so here’s a few pictures that will make you wish you were somewhere else
Doesn’t this look beaut? Book your short trip now!
If you think you don’t have time to go on an amazing adventure in the USA, think again!
Jealous? You could see great views like this in between your exams!
These baby seals are chilling out in the sun. If you want to check out the wildlife of North America, it’s cheaper than you think!
How amazing is this? You could be there!
If you can’t get to Bourbon Street this year, why not enter TrekAmerica’s competition to win an American experience right here in the UK?
You could be a part of this cool bunch, seeing some awesome sights and having a great time.
This is definitely better than revision…
You could be seeing great views like this, right here in the UK with 4 of your mates!
If you think you don’t have time to visit amazing scenery like this, think again! You can visit Yosemite in just a few days!
You could even bring the USA to the UK and have the experience of a lifetime for FREE, with the #TrekMiniAdventure competition!
Imagine seeing the sun go down on a beach, rather than seeing the sun rise after an all nighter…
If Florida’s too far for you, try entering TrekAmerica’s competition to win a USA style road trip right here in the UK!
Students just like you LOVE these trips. Have the experience of a lifetime.
A great experience like this is much cheaper than you think.
TrekAmerica are offering a four day road trip around the UK to show how you can experience the American Dream in little ol’ England.
All they want is an Instagram photo or video showing your idea of a mini adventure.
Make it funny, inspiring and creative and use the hashtag #TrekMiniAdventure. Click here to enter.