Hotties at Uni – harmless or creepy?
Hotties at Uni is the ‘creepy’ Facebook page that posts your university’s best looking students for you to judge.
Last November, a ‘hot or not’ site called Ratemash was slammed as ‘stalkerish’ for quietly uploading photos of students for everyone on the internet to drool over.
Now a new page has emerged on Facebook. ‘Hotties at Uni’ invites you to submit a photo if you think you or your friend is a looker, with the tagline: “Whether it’s a hot blonde, dashing lecturer or cute canteen lady, we want them on here!”
Since joining Facebook back in February the page has scouted out hotties up and down the country.
Edinburgh, Sussex, Exeter, Leeds, Northumbria, Brighton, Durham, Warwick, Kent, Bristol, KCL, Leicester, and Manchester have all had their uni ‘hotties’ featured on the page.
But which uni has the most ‘hotties?’. The anonymous judges behind the Hotties at Uni Facebook page told The Tab: “Newcastle Uni definitely, we’ve had some serious talent coming from there – we’re now considering making a move up North…”
The page posts their favourite uni talent, both boys and girls, in group shots, holiday photos, candids, selfies, drunken photos from nights out.
The ones they don’t post are sent on to LAD Bible or Screw Selfies.
But where does the page get them from?
Hotties at Uni says: “Mostly it’s people’s mates who submit the photos, as it’s awkward to submit your own, but of course we get those ‘I’m hot and I know it’ people who submit their own photos.”
“The majority of photos we receive are of some serious hotties, so it’s a no brainer what goes up on the page.
“We often get a few practical jokes sent in, but we just direct them to The LAD Bible Facebook page or Screw Selfies. It’s all about the Uglie Facebook page.”
Mostly the page touts the ‘talent’ from each uni, but sometimes uses cheesy chat-up lines like ‘Are you google, cause you’re everything I’m searching for’. Cringe.
Third year QUB student Sarah Byrne says “I think it’s creepy. I mean, I think if your friends do it for fun it’s okay but if you had no idea who did it it would creep you out.”
“If I was featured I’d be flattered but creeped out if I couldn’t work out who did it. I think it’s a little bit… degrading.”
“Although to be fair, there are boys featured too, so it’s not really a gender issue”
Defending the idea that people would find posting student hotties creepy or in bad taste, the makers of the page say: “We’ve never had any complaints of negative feedback, so far everyone has been positive and eager to get involved which is nice.”
They do maintain an air of mystery though, and told us “Unfortunately we don’t want to give ourselves away as we don’t want people from our uni knowing who we are, so we would like to stay anonymous.”
Is Hotties at Uni is a harmless way to scope out talent at your university or just a bit pervy? Leave us a comment or tweet us @TheTab to let us know what you think!