State school kids do better at university than those from private schools
A Warwick University study concludes that students from comprehensive and poorly achieving schools are more likely to get first class degrees
State school students are more likely to succeed at university than those from private school – according to new research.
A new study conducted by Warwick University has shown that students from state schools have better grades and lower drop-out rates.
According to academic Dr Claire Crawford, who conducted the study, students from state schools were more likely to gain a first or an upper second class degree opposed to those who went to private schools.
The assistant professor at Warwick University further said: “We couldn’t dig into the reasons very deeply but it seems that some types of school are better at getting good grades than others. They are not representing pupil ability in the same way.”
One of her main conclusions is that universities should offer lower grades to those applying from a comprehensive school than those from a private and highly achieving grammar schools, saying it is ultimately harder for them although they get better degrees and have a lower chance of dropping out.
The findings are likely to reignite the debate over private versus state education.
There has been much controversy surrounding the topic, involving some believing private schools are better than state schools.
Brogan Moss, from Warwick University, supports this statement. She said: “Students from state schools come out to be more well rounded because they are used to being more adaptable.”
Whereas ex-private school boy, Alexander Rennie, from Edinburgh University, labelled the report’s findings as “cadswallop”.
Private school boy, Emile Guignard-Rogers, agrees and says that it is “not surprising”. “Success at university is more likely for a state school student since getting to the same University would be harder and therefore they would have to be academically more proficient” he added.
Dr Crawford also says in her report the best way to get more pupils into a good university is to make sure they get good results at GCSE and take the right subject choices.
That’s in direct contrast with most campaigns to get under-privileged teenagers on degree courses which concentrate on taster days, visits to schools by undergraduates and giving out information about student life.