The worst thing you could possibly see your parents doing
This video from GiffGaff is one reason to look forward to going back to uni.
Under your parents’ roof they make the rules.
Uni is the first time you can be your own boss.
No curfews. No mealtimes. No sneaking in blind drunk – although waking up your entire flat trying to cook a pizza doesn’t always go down well.
You choose when you wake up, to not make your bed, and live off pot noodle for a week.
And you don’t have your parents moaning in your ear.
Or complaining about your laundry.
Or shaving each other in the bathroom.
And now you can be the boss of your phone with GiffGaff.
With no contracts and no fixed plans, you can come and go as you please, and change your plan whenever you need. It’s the perfect uni relationship.
Commitment-free and flexible. Much like your timetable.