Absolutely trashed: Firemen rescue wasted fresher stuck in rubbish bin
‘He’s stuck. We called the fire brigade. We didn’t know what else to do.’
It was supposed to be a nice stroll home after a night out with friends.
So imagine the horror when fresher Robin Niven got stuck in a bin and had to be rescued by fire-fighters.
The Manchester student is seen poking his head out while his friends crack up with laughter.
Jack Tame, filming the rescue, says: “We kicked the door closed, and now he’s stuck in the bin. We called the fire brigade. We didn’t know what else to do.”
One pal says: “We’ve tried everything. We don’t know what to do. And he’s stuck in a bin.”
A passerby, who introduces himself as Scott, says: “I love this.”
Wasteman Robin is released when fire-fighters manage to force open the door. The group apologise to the firemen before the video cuts out.
You’ve bin warned.