Embarrassing Cambridge drinking soc tells members to ‘smash the girls’
They also claim their penises are in high demand
A Cambridge drinking soc has tried to prove its “banter” credentials with an inspiring message to initiates.
The esteemed Presidents of Emmanuel College’s Lions emailed members with a cringe note before a night out that said: “get involved, get keen and smash it (/the girls)”.
They added that the list of boys attending was not final, as “more may be added subject to demand (i.e. female demand for Emmanuel penis)”.
The Emmanuel Lions think they’re better than you
The boys call themselves “upstanding young men” as they herald the new year, which promises “to be full of fine evenings wining and dining the most beauteous women Cambridge has to offer”.
They add: “Existing Lions are encouraged to attend to revel in an atmosphere of much gaiety.”
The Presidents end the email with some outdated hashtags: “#drinkingalcohol #lashtag #allthelads #together.”
The message comes just days after the LSE rugby team called women “crumpets” and “mingers” in a freshers’ fair brochure.
Who’s next then?