Foreign festivals are better than anything in the UK

There’s no mud in Croatia


Forget your mud, rain, and naff, cheap-tasting lager: this is what festival holidays should look like.


While the same boring acts appear at the same over-priced UK festivals year after year, European festivals are throwing the kind of parties you didn’t think were possible. And of all these “uber cool” festival holiday upstarts, We Are Forever have it nailed down when it comes to Croatia.

We Are Forever are giving you the chance to win tickets for you plus two mates for a seven day festival holiday mad one in Croatia this summer, a week-long Dalmation blowout like no other.


Win tickets for you and two mates to We Are Forever Croatia
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For their second trip to Croatia, Zrce beach on Pag island hosts the week long event. The vibe is organic, fresh and completely unparalleled.

So, stop having festivals that look like this:

Or this:

And definitely not like this:

And head somewhere that looks a bit more like this:

You’ll head out on July 11. The deposit is just £50, with prices starting at £199 with the nightmare of sorting accommodation already done for you.