Thirst years: Fresher girls have more sex than boys
This is from a respected survey
Fresher girls are more sexually active than boys, according to new stats.
The average fresher made sweet love to two different sex partners since the start of term in September and one in five said they slept with more than three people.
The majority of lothario students polled said they were sexually active before they went to uni as seven per cent of late bloomers confessed they lost their virginity on campus.
Today’s stats, revealed by education researcher YouthSight, say 56 per cent of fresher girls are sexually active while compared to just 49 per cent of boys.
A quarter of everyone polled said they had a one-night stand since starting uni.
Six per cent of all freshers regret sleeping with someone at uni and over a third say they had unprotected sex.
Sheffield second year Daisy Collingwood said: “I can’t believe only six per cent of students regretted sleeping with someone.
“Most of the people I’ve spoken to regret someone they have slept with.”
The 19-year-old geographer added in her house of nine people, four had paired off into couples.
Josephine Hansom, research boss at YouthSight explained her findings may shock naive and protective parents.
She said: “A sizeable proportion of students [43 per cent] do see being at university as an opportunity to experiment sexually.”