The Instafamous students who are more successful than you’ll ever be
If you don’t have 15,000 followers you’re nothing
You know those randomly high-profile people you follow on Instagram and Twitter who you secretly admire?
The ones standing in reflective sunglasses, in front of an interminable sunset, caked in the Perpetua filter?
They’re always gazing out over Ko Samui, sipping on a Tiger beer, while reading Lena Dunham.
You’re hopelessly average compared to them.
We profiled these online BNOCs still at uni and looked at what they’ve done and deserved to gain hordes of followers.
Spoiler: it’s really not that hard.
Caroline Calloway, Cambridge
268k Instagram Followers (@carolinecalloway)
Caroline’s #adventuregram stories about her life as a New Yorker in Cambridge have been so successful she’s now publishing a collection of short humour essays (though she insists it’s spelt “humor”).
Loves: Lena Dunham’s success
Hates: Lena Dunham’s success
Grace McGovern, Goldsmiths
27.9k Instagram followers (@gracemcgovern)
Originally gaining recognition from her fling with Made in Chelsea haircut Proudlock, fashionable Grace’s Instagram photos have gained her many an admirer.
She “feels fortunate” to have such a wide audience to talk to and now posts photos of her pretty sick social life.
Loves: Game of Thrones and people who spell her surname correctly
Hates: Slow walkers
Jacob Wheldon, Northeastern University (USA)
22.4k Twitter followers (@jacobwheldon)
Londoner Jacob rose to Twitter fame (even gaining a prized blue tick) after he was rumoured to be dating a number of celebs, including Caroline Flack.
Since then, his East London crowd of famous friends (he says it’s “like Made in Chelsea but we’re all skint”) keep his followers interested in his “fleeting” philosophical musings.
Loves: Sky Ferreira
Hates: Peanut butter
GunnerPunner, Birmingham
Football blogger
12.2k Twitter followers (@gunnerpunner)
The secretive GunnerPunner finished his economics degree at Birmingham in Summer 2014 and his witty reflections on sport (with a focus on Arsenal) and music have given him a cult following.
The mysterious man (who hasn’t revealed his identity online) received national attention for stitching up some Spurs players after a famous Arsenal victory.
He’s even lived his dream by scoring a goal at The Emirates stadium.
Loves: Sport, music, sneakers and chicken
Hates: Pockets on t-shirts and people who take themselves too seriously
Hannah Farrington, Manchester
Fashion Blogger
33.7k Instagram Followers (@hannahlouisef)
A monumental rise in followers over Summer 2014 has led fashion blogger and law student Hannah to Instafame.
Her Instagram centres around her own personal style and fashion tastes and she tries to blog at least three times a day to keep her fans happy.
Loves: Gigs, hanging out with friends and writing her blog
Hates: Cleaning, slow walkers and bad grammar.
Max Cantellow, Manchester
Travel/Photography blogger
15.4k Instagram followers (@maxc20)
Credit: @benbrown
Max was lucky enough to be selected to be part of the Rickshaw Run – an adventure across India in a Tuk-Tuk for Teenage Cancer Trust.
The event was broadcast on the JacksGap YouTube channel and raised over £117,063.
Max continues to document his stunning travel shots and says his followers push him to create and curate even better content.
Loves: His prized motorbike
Hates: People who live and die by FIFA – his followers will know who he refers to.
Do you know any Instafamous students? Get in touch on [email protected].