We refuse to be bullied or censored by enemies of free speech
Nous sommes Charlie
The deaths of 12 people including eight journalists over a satirical cartoon is a deeply frightening event in 2015, but should not be allowed to define the future of our trade.
Tomorrow’s journalists from all student publications across the nation are defiant against terrorism. The attack on Charlie Hebdo has only encouraged the next generation to fight for their right to report and publish freely.
Jack Rivlin, Editor-In-Chief of The Tab: “We don’t usually write about events in foreign countries, it’s not our job. But journalists don’t usually get shot for drawing cartoons.
“It doesn’t matter what you think about Charlie Hebdo or their jokes. I didn’t really see the point of them until this week. Now I think everyone should publish them.
“In the words of somebody or other: “You’re offended? So fucking what?””
Rachel Donald, Assistant Editor at The Tab: “An unimportant, satirical drawing led to the death of 12 people. But in their murders that drawing became a symbol of freedom, and our right to it as people and journalists.
“We will not be bullied into putting down our pens. As a group, journalists are known to be harder than most, and we would rather paint the truth with our blood than be gagged by fear.”
Tom Jenkin, News Editor at The Tab: “To be able to speak freely is a right we all deserve. The defiance of Charlie Hebdo to persist in the face of violence and threats to that right should stand as testament to the importance of expression for anyone questioning the values of journalism.”
James Hawkes, York Editor of The Tab: “As someone looking at a career in journalism, these events just make me more determined. The pen should be weaponised to such an extent where terrorists like these should be scared as to what the Western press will print next.”
Bella Eckert, Newcastle Editor of The Tab: “The world will not allow freedom of expression to be threatened by this tragic event. Journalists will not be bullied into silence and this has not made me question pursuing a career in writing.”
Hannah Rought, Nottingham Editor of The Tab: “I’m not naive, freedom of speech doesn’t mean I can say what I want all the time but at the same time, I and everyone else shouldn’t have to live in fear of offending someone.”
Liam Evans, Sussex Editor of The Tab: “Between this attack in France and the numerous journalists executed in the middle East by ISIS the ideological, political and literal attacks on the liberal press can’t scare or pressure the media into whatever their vision is. Western media shouldn’t bow down to any impositions made by this section of society.”
Insaf Abbas, Norwich Editor of The Tab: “Coming from a Muslim family I’ve seen both sides. While Muslims absolutely condemn these attacks, there’s a belief that these journalists left themselves liable to be attacked by being so open. This normalises the behaviour of Muslims extremists. People need to understand that the press has the right to express itself without fear of consequence.”
Richard Duggan, Northumbria Editor of The Tab: “We must always allow people to express themselves, even if we don’t agree with those views. If we deny freedom of speech we deny a fundamental human right, and it is only our voice that can challenge them.”
Gabriella Rhodes, Edinburgh Editor of The Tab: “Freedom of press represents more than the right to print our opinions, it represents courage and social responsibility.”
James Bruce, Glasgow Editor of The Tab: “I feel that, if we can take anything from the tragic events of yesterday, it is the clear necessity of the freedom of press in any liberal democracy. As a tool for greater change it is powerful, as a social critique it is unsurpassable.”
Cloe Fernandez-Barnes, Exeter Editor of The Tab: “I will not be deterred from a career in journalism by playing into the hands of a minority who wish to censor us.”
Adam Payne, Liverpool Editor of The Tab: “The freedom to call something into question, to poke fun at it, to challenge it, to be irreverent and to be satirical are basic, non-negotiable liberties must be available to everyone.”
Grace Thompson, York Editor of The Tab: “Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right. We shall not be oppressed. I have my views, you have yours; they probably differ. Accept it. Get over it.”
Bobby Palmer, Leeds Editor of The Tab: “There will always be bullies, and there will always be cowards who kill people because they disagree with them. I think the staff at Charlie Hebdo would agree that the worst response to a tragedy like this is to stay silent.”
Grainne McKinney, Belfast Editor of The Tab: “Technically,the attack in Paris should scare people away from journalism. In reality, it’s only proved how important freedom of speech is, and why we need people in the world who aren’t afraid to share their opinions.”
Josh Kaplan, Nottingham Editor of The Tab: “The right to piss people off is something that comes with free speech. If you’re not challenging people and pushing boundaries, then you shouldn’t be a journalist. No religion, authority or government should be beyond criticism.”
Grace Marr, Aston Editor of The Tab: “It would be an injustice to the journalists who lost their lives to do anything other than continue to fight their fight.”
Gabriel Pogrund and Patrick Maguire, London Editors of The Tab: “Free speech is so much more than an easy platitude. It is essential for a free world. Yesterday, journalists paid their life for sarcasm and satire. Our generation of journalists should be prepared to fight for the values that Charlie Hebdo represented.”
Asma Butt, Aberdeen Editor of The Tab: “The attacks show us that we cannot stand by and let extremism ever harness our negative, often dismissive view of minorities. It is our duty as journalists of this generation to identify and single out this behaviour as barbaric and prevent society from forgetting.”
Catherine Reid, Assistant Editor at The Tab: “It’s disgusting that in the 21st Century people are still persecuted for exercising their right to freedom of speech. We should not bow down to these oppressors.”
Clemence Zdzeich, new recruit at The Tab: “What motivated to write today is not only my dream of becoming a reporter but it is also in regards to what happened to Charlie Hebdo yesterday in Paris. I’d like to be able to become a journalist and be a defender of the freedom of speech.”
Charlie Bell, Cambridge Editor of The Tab: “People have no right to spend their lives closeted and free from offense. Anyone who enjoys privilege of living in a free country must condemn this wicked act and continue to uphold the fundamental right to say, draw and write freely without fear of physical attack.”
Paul Connolly, Stirling Editor of The Tab: “Nobody has a right to silence the press for their own interests, whether their tools are kalashnikovs or courts.”
Rachel McCallion, Glasgow Editor of The Tab: “The future of journalism is at this point a shaky prospect and we as the future generation should do everything we can to ascertain our basic human rights and responsibilities.”
The Mancunion Editorial Team: “We are absolutely horrified by the events in Paris and refuse to be intimidated. No idea, belief, or policy should be exempt from criticism or mockery.
“Once people, particularly us as journalists, start believing that they cannot speak or write about a particular organisation or belief, tyranny and stupidity are allowed to flourish.”
Chris Somers and Tom Fenton on behalf of all at Palatinate: “Yesterday, extremists tragically trained their weapons directly on the fundamental right of free speech. It’s vital that defenders of this right exercise it now to condemn this brutal attack on liberty.”
Helena Horton, York Vision: “Writing and drawing cartoons should not be a capital offense and you should never have to pay for what you write with your life. We should be inspired to carry on the work of the deceased satirists and challenge the status quo in our writing.”
Talia Zybutz and Tom Freeman on behalf of Varisty Cambridge: “Events such as this aim to silence not only those directly affected but those engaged in similar endeavours throughout the world. It is important that we stand up in solidarity for the right to voice opinions and comment without fear of retribution.”
Alice Hudson, Deputy Editor of The Verse: “We may not agree with what you draw every time, but we will defend your right to draw it, all the time.”
Charlotte Capitanchik, Editor of The Student: “The freedom of the press, and the ability to criticise, question and satirise, is one of the fundamental tenets that distinguishes a democracy from dictatorship or authoritarian regime.”
Lucy Uprichard, Editor of Ellipsis: “The ability to choose what will and will not be published should always be a matter of personal discretion and social responsibility and not limited by fear or suppression.”
Jack Rivlin
George Marangas-Gilks
Rachel Donald
Matt McDonald
Grace Vielma
Craig O’Callaghan
Harry Shukman
Tom Jenkin
Rachel Donald
Cat Reid
Roisin Lanigan
Charlie Gardiner-Hill
Brad Vanstone
James Robert MacIvor
Robin Brinkworth
Joshua Zitser
Lucy Morris
Brett Borthwick
Kirsty Savage
Amy Perkins
Victoria Botella
Richard Duggan
Ghandi Saraswat
James Hawkes
Bobby Palmer
Jasmin Gray
Jennie Gale
Laura Fitzpatrick
Josh Kaplan
Grainne McKinney
Corrie Gold
Charlie Bell
Gabriella Rhodes
Ollie Burrows
Shakeel Hashim
Megan Dye
Alex Davis
Insaf Abbas
Grace Marr
Ashley Eaton
Jess Howard
Dom Hall
Harry Yorke
Hannah Robinson
Hannah Ballantyne
David Cowlishaw
Cloe Fernandez Barnes
Tamsin Rebecca Eddey
Justin Guthrie
Cristina Criddle
Ollie Parsons
James Bruce
Matthew Baron
Adam Payne
Hannah Maloney
Aime Jaffrey
Bella Eckhart
Elliott Johnson
Hannah Rought
Ed Campbell
Mike Silva
Abby Meadows
Kirsty Boyle
Sara Kamouni
Daisy Bernard
George Allen
Amy Fancourt
Gus Carnegie-Brown
Rochelle Spice
Archie Winnington-Ingram
Holly Armour
George Hones
Olivia Battle-Welch
Bobbie Edsor
James Bedswell
Georgie Hewitt
Jarrad Redkwa
Tasha Campbell
Indigo Ellis
Lewis Barber
Ellie Shaw
Matthew Moore
Ella Cohen
Sara Kamouni
Luke Terry
Steph Brew
Charlotte Haynes
Steph Brews
Edmund Bannister
Liam Evans
Elizabeth Foster
Sarah Evelyn George
Cate Spre
Cydney Yeates
Victoria Finan
Alex Kellas
Lydie Robinson
Gianna Tommasi
Maya Modi
Katriana Bella
Charles Ward
Charlie Bayliss
Kit Ball
Edie Lily Hancock
May Bullman
Justin Guthrie
Hannah Knowles
Elissa Blankley
Kat Sadler
Caroline Dodds
Grace Thompson
Charlie Lasswell
Lucy Dyer
Francesca Ebel
Michael Hindmarsh
Will Lloyd
Helena Horton, York Vision
Aidan Gregory, Editor-in-Chief, The Mancunian
Charlie Spargo, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, The Mancunian
Jack May, Editor-in-Chief, The Cambridge Student
Sam Rhodes, Associate Editor, The Cambridge Student
Colm Murphy, Associate Editor, The Cambridge Student
Freya Sanders, Associate Editor, The Cambridge Student
Chris Somers and Tom Fenton on behalf of all at Palatinate
Talia Zybutz and Tom Freeman on behalf of Varsity Cambridge
Olivia Weatherill – Editor,The Verse
Alice Hudson – Deputy Editor, The Verse
Harry Barnes – Head of Technical/Contributor, The Verse
Nina Toubale – Administrator/Contributor, The Verse
Charlotte Capitanchik, Editor, The Student
Lucy Uprichard, Editor of Ellipsis