Would you like to pay £36,500 a year to study medicine?

Now you can


£9000 a year is bad enough.

But swanky private uni Buckingham has dared to charge £36,500 a year for a medicine degree leaving grads £150,000 out of pocket.

The course is so exclusive it has its own trailer.

The flash degree, which is set to start next Monday, has already received 250 applications for 67 places.

Fatcat uni bosses apparently intended for international students to make up most of the trainee doctors but 60 per cent of applicants are from the UK.

The £150,000 bill for the course is more than four times what you’d pay at any other uni.


Medics elsewhere can’t understand it.

Oxford fresher doctor Malcolm King said: “I definitely wouldn’t pay £36,000 a year when you could go for a £9000 course instead.

“Which med school you go to doesn’t matter anyway, they’re all of a similar standard. The debt would be enormous – who do they think they are?”

But the Buckingham students have gone to huge lengths to cobble together the cash for the degreea necessity as you can’t get a student loan for a private uni.

A fresher posted on The Student Room: “I don’t know how most people got funding, but mine is a mixture of personal savings, family and a really kind benefactor – a real stretch but I think its worth it.