Why are straight women watching so much lesbian porn?
Scissoring is your favourite category
It’s the most remarkable discovery in human behaviour since Milgram’s famed electric shock experiment.
Pioneering analysts at Pornhub Insights revealed women love watching same-sex porn more than men.
This groundbreaking research debunks the myth about straight girls not watching porn.
Pornhub published their findings in their 2014 Year in Review.
They said: “Pornhub’s lesbian category is the leading favourite among the ladies.
“It’s clear that the type of sex that women are most interested in watching occurs between members of the same sex.”
The trailblazing research also shows men aren’t nearly as interested in watching same sex porn, as the category “Gay (male) sex” was only seventh on the list of top male searches.
Pornhub discovered one in every three browsers on their sites are women.
The Tab’s porn correspondent Roisin Vielma, welcomed the news.
She said: “This shocking discovery has changed the way I and countless other women think about porn.
“I simply long for the day that men will see guy on guy in the same way that we see lesbian porn.
“It’s natural and everyone should get over it.”