Smoking weed won’t damage your memory but skunk can make you bipolar
Pass the chronic
Experimental weed smokers are not in danger of damaging their memories, but could be more likely to have a psychotic episode according to new research.
Smoking weed is no worse than codeine when affecting long term memory in adults. But the same research showed a lasting negative effect on the teenagers.
Dr Grant, the director of the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research at the University of California, said: “In adults who are using cannabis moderately, there is not any good evidence for long term memory effects.
“Thirty days after smoking, an adult’s memory goes back to normal.”
But research conducted at King’s College London said one in four cases of mental illness could be blamed on smoking skunk.
The potent form of the drug – cultivated to be four times stronger than normal cannabis – warned regular users are at a higher risk of becoming delusional or hallucinating.
The same was not found for people who smoked weaker strains.
The Daily Mail, which broke the news, claimed skunk can put you at risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and potentially self-harm or suicide because the voices in their heads tell you to.
The research said: “People who used cannabis or skunk every day were roughly three times more likely to have a diagnosis of a psychotic disorder than were those who never used cannabis.
“There is an urgent need to inform to inform young people about the risks of high-potency cannabis.”
Michael Ellis, a Tory member of the Home Affairs Select Committee, said: “Cannabis isn’t a harmless drug: it can ruin lives.
“This powerful new study illustrates that those in government and the police must be careful to send out the right message.”
More than one million people aged 16-24 have smoked cannabis. A Tab poll showed 68 per cent of students had tried weed.
The new research comes amid a wave of studies attempting to explore the positive effects of drugs like cannabis, ketamine and even LSD and a general consensus across the world to relax drug laws.