Your Instagram pics are boring
It’s time for a change
It’s taken you ten tries but you’ve finally managed to take that perfect pre-night out selfie. Now all that’s left is to agonise over which filter to use on it, and then post it onto every social media network you can think of.
Twelve hours later, it’s only got seven likes. And one of those is your mum.
Cheers mum
The problem with Instagram these days is that everyone’s on it, so it’s hard to make your pictures stand out from the crowd. After all, everyone’s using the same Crema/Valencia/black-and-white filter, everyone’s holding the camera the same way, and everyone’s pulling the same, irritating face.
It’s time to find a different way to make your pictures get people’s attention. And that’s exactly what instaLens can do.
Rather than just changing your filter, instaLens lets you change your entire camera lens. The magnetic attachment fixes the lens over the camera on your smartphone, allowing you to take pics that look a little bit different.
We gave our Nottingham team the macro and fish-eye lenses for a day to see how much better they could make their pics.
Before > After (Fish-eye instaLens)
Before > After (Macro instaLens)
Before > After (Fish-eye instaLens)
Before > After (instaLens)
Before > After (Fish-eye instaLens)
Before > After (Macro instaLens)
If you want to make your pics more boring, we’ve got ten basic instaLens sets to give away. To get your hands on one, all you need to do is fill out the form below. Ten winners will be selected at random.
As well as snapping the everyday, instaLens are great for capturing landscapes and more artistic shots. To see more of the kind of pics you can get, visit their website.