You won’t cope as well at uni if you were spoon-fed at private school

Don’t be mollycoddled

Privileged kids who went to independent school are less likely to cope at uni.

Students who went to independent schools struggle more than those who didn’t – and experts are blaming their private education for mollycoddling pupils.

Kent prof of Sociology Frank Furedi said: “They have to make their own way and choose their own courses. I would blame a lot of independent schools.

“In many respects it’s the independent sector that led the way, creating the problem.”

The headteachers from some of the top private schools in the country have requested that universities improve their support systems so that their mollycoddled students don’t stress out too much during the transition.

Uppingham school head Richard Harman explained students are prone to more pressure than ever before.

He said: “They have to live with predictions that they will be the first generation worse off than their parents.

“We all know school and college leavers do not magically turn into fully fledged adults the minute they step out of the classroom and into the lecture hall.

“Leaving school, leaving home and creating a new life at 18 is bound to be a time of acute anxiety.”

Undergrads from independent schools are used to much more attention, guidance and assessment, with 60 per cent of claim they had better teaching at school than at uni.

In contrast to 40 per cent of state school pupils according to a survey carried out by the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference.

75 per cent of secondary school pupils would rate their pastoral support as pretty decent, compared to 53 per cent of students who would say the same about higher education.