This soon-to-be fresher has made over £30,000 in a fortnight
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While you’re scrimping on the last few pennies of your loan this Easter, Richard Wilson has made over £30,000 selling pixels online.
The 19-year-old, who has an offer to study at UCL in September, set up his website milliondollarbillboardclub.com a fortnight ago, in the hope of paying his way through uni himself.
But he still hasn’t bought anything yet.
Richard (right) is currently at college in Belfast
He sells one million pixels for a dollar a piece, which companies buy and then use to advertise themselves online. In a fortnight alone, Richard has sold $50,000 worth of pixels, raking in £33,580 before he’s even started uni.
He’s already earned enough to cover his tuition fees, and more.
Unsurprisingly Richard, who’s from County Down in Northern Ireland, is hoping to study Business Management.
Back in 2005, then 21-year-old Alex Tew started something very similar, which sold out completely and netted him a huge $1 million. But Richard says while there are similarities, “it’s still a different target audience.”
Richard (left) didn’t tell his friends about his website
He added: “To be honest I kept it pretty quiet from my friends, they only actually found out when they saw me being interviewed online. They’re all really pleased for me, but hopefully they won’t be making me buy drinks all the time now.
“I’ve tried so many business ventures in the past, pretty much everything you could think of including selling jewellery online, but none of them have ever taken off like this.
“Everything’s getting pretty busy with it being the last few months of my A-Levels, I don’t have any one working for me at the moment, but I might need to soon.
“I’m going to reinvest most of the money back into advertising billboards, but if I was going to buy one thing it’d probably just be a big holiday with my mates this summer. I also really want to start a non profit organisation soon, and be a trustee of that.”