Elections are next week: Who are you going to vote for?
At least nobody said UKIP
Will it be Ed, Dave or Nick? With only a week to go before polling day, we took a walk around London to find who you’re voting and why.
Bearing in mind the importance of the student vote in the General Election this year, very little has been pledged in our way other than Nick saying if he has anything to do with it, the loans will not increase.
Given the result of last year’s election pledge, it’s not really anything to go by, but thanks all the same.
So given the lacklustre performance on the campaign trail from all seven leaders, we asked you who you’re voting for.
Kirsten, 22, second year Photography at UEL, Conservative
“It’s who my parents vote for, they seem alright so it’s just like my ‘usual’ vote.”
Daniela, 20, first year Law at Warwick, undecided
“If I’m completely honest, I haven’t got a clue who I’ll be voting for, I don’t really know what the difference is or what’s what.”
Katy, 30, designer, Greens
“I own my brand and I’m really for sustainability in businesses, as well as that the rest of them are just a bunch of wankers.”
Steven, 22, second year Architecture at UAL, Green
“I’m voting Green because they are really the only party with real commitment to environmental change.”
Tid, 70, retired, Conservative
Nick, 22, Metro journalist, Labour
“A very socially progressive party, they are in tune with the needs of people today.”
Sophie, 21, third year Fashion Promotion at UAL, Greens
“This election has shown that it’s not a two party race, and I’m voting green because I think they could really shake up the system.”
Laurie, 31, bookshop worker, Labour
Charlotte, 24, chef, not voting
“I won’t be voting, they’re all the same and I really couldn’t pick a leader out of the bunch.”
Rob, 25, music festival manager, Conservative
“The only reason I’m even voting is to make sure UKIP don’t get in.”
Lizzie, 26, journalist, Labour
“I’m voting Labour, I’m not really sure though, I took a couple of online polls and they said I should vote Labour, followed by Lib Dems.”
Matt, 23, bartender, Labour
“Conservatives want to scrap state funded lawyers, and that’s wrong so I will be voting for Labour who won’t make those cuts.”
Jazz, 26, actor and East 15 grad, undecided
“I hate UKIP, and I’m not a fan of the Conservatives so I guess I’ll probably vote Labour. I just want to stop any sort of a purple and blue coalition.”
James, 25, travel consultant, Conservative
“Unemployment is low, the economy is better than it’s been for a long time and I trust the Conservatives. Give them a chance, I reckon.”
Jodie, 22, video editor for the Mail Online, Labour
“Labour are very socially conscious and they care the most about issues afflicting everyday people.”
Who are you backing? Vote in our poll below.
And in case you missed it don’t forget to read our chats with Ed Miliband, Nigel Farage and Natalie Bennett.