I went on a boozy night out with my Mum
People think she’s my sister
Some people go shopping with their mums, others go for dinner.
But I like to slog back frosty cold steins of German beer with my mum.
What started as a regular weekend visit from Mum soon changed when my housemates announced we would be going to be going to the boozy German festival Bierkeller.
For anyone who has yet to go to Bierkeller, imagine Oktoberfest squeezed into your union bar.
Hosted by the Amazing Bavarian Stompers, drinks served in two pint steins and rows squeezed together: it’s the best night out you could have — and I took my mum.
The Stompers bring a burst of Bavaria to a normally very lacklustre union, but these old geezers know how to throw one hell of a party.
Introducing 39-year-old mum of three Sally, from Dorset. Bored of working, cleaning the house and cooking dinners, she drove down to my uni town in Aberystwyth looking for a great German booze fest. And she found one.
We got the first steins in and found our place in the queue. As you can see, the booze was starting to her from early on, poor thing.
The night proceeded as it started, with plenty of beer, Lederhosen and more than German folk music: fast accordions, French horns and drums.
For the duration of the night we received really odd responses to us being there as mother and son. Not so much “look at this weirdo and his mum” but rather “this girl, she’s a bloody legend” and complete randomers kept coming up for photos with us.
Katharina, a second year Politics student who we smashed beers with said: “I think it’s amazing she came along and tried it.
“I can imagine you have to be quite brave to enter a room full of drunk partying 20-year-olds. I couldn’t imagine taking my mum to Bierkeller.”
Tom, also a second year Politics student, agreed and said: “It was perhaps one of the most surreal experiences of the event seeing your mum there.
“She put all the students to shame by out drinking and out dancing us all – I guess we can’t all have hardcore mums.”
Another, more sensible response was from Callum, a second year Plant Biologist who said: “While I imagine nothing says ‘mother-son bonding’ quite like listening to a group of Yorkshireman shouting in German as you both knock back two pints of cheap lager in steins, there was definitely a risk involved.
“It is certainly difficult to maintain a ‘what happens at uni stays at uni’ attitude when suddenly one of your mate’s mum is there. That said, if I were to bring my mum to any event it would absolutely, 100 per cent have to be Bierkeller.”
Mum continued to hit the booze and really have a good time. As the son in this experience, it was brilliant fun to see her in a totally unexpected place.
Was I worried that one of my friends would tell her something she really didn’t need to know? A little, but I have great relationship with my mother and so I was just more concerned about how long the queues were to refill my stein.
Getting drunk with your mum is definitely an experience everyone should get around to — why haven’t you?