Break up with Mondays and bag yourself a free takeaway

It’s not you, it’s me


Whether you’re still slaving away at uni, early rising for work experience or recovering from the heavy weekend – we all know Mondays suck.

But what if it didn’t have to be that way.

JUST EAT are giving you the chance to munch away the Monday blues for free – and all you have to do is order some food today.


Having  a bad start to the week? Here’s how to enjoy a slice of Friday night on a Monday

Reclaim the day

If you’re working a summer job, make sure your chair’s left spinning at bang on five o’clock as you head for the nearest emergency exit. Just don’t get too carried away and set the actual fire alarm off. You might face a few questions tomorrow

Get to the pub

Psst, don’t tell anyone, but pubs are, like, eerily quiet on a Monday night. You might actually get served for once. Do your bit for bored bar staff by giving them something to do. And for a bonus Monday #minifistpump – use the free wifi to order takeaway to collect on the way home.

Enjoy a box-set binge

You know that feeling of isolation and social embarrassment you get because everyone in the world’s up-to-date with Game of Thrones apart from you? Well, Mondays are the perfect chance to do something about that. Box set. With a pizza box. Maybe in your boxer shorts. Result.

Don’t miss out on the chance to win a free takeaway every Monday in June – order tonight.

JUST EAT have thousands of menus online, meaning you can have food delivered from all your favourite eateries.

Takeaways aren’t just for the weekend. Break up with Mondays in style with JUST EAT.