Your national BNOC winner is Caitlin
The one with the abs
Last week we asked you to vote for your BNOC of BNOCs, and leave the other local winners in the dust.
Over 1,500 of you answered the call, and buff Sheffield fresher Caitlin stole the win. Caitlin took nearly 1/3 of the overall votes with 417.
But she stayed humble. Of her life-changing win Caitlin said: “I just want to thank everyone who voted for me and in return I want to help people get motivated to get fit live a healthy lifestyle and be honest to my fans, online and in person and if anyone wants to hit me up with an email or message they can.”
Caitlin preparing for her celebratory run
Charitable Caitlin won Sheffield’s hearts after promising – and delivering on a naked run through campus should she be voted BNOC.
Unfortunately she’s not celebrating in the same way this time. She said: “I can’t run naked again. The police have already given me warnings.
“But I did it with the promise of more workout videos and fitness blogs, so I’m still going to do that and set that up. I think anyone who voted for me should get something out of it, rather than just me being selfish. But I didn’t do any campaigning for the national title to be fair.”
Your runner-up national BNOC was Leeds second year Art Sejdiu, of Boozenight fame.
Heartbroken Art said: “I feel surprised. Clearly my mum didn’t vote as many times this time to steer me to a win. So I can only blame her for my loss.”
Art Sejdiu did not win