Would you have the male contraceptive injection?

A ballsy move


There is a snazzy new contraceptive for men, which is injected into your balls.

Developed in London, Vasalgel is set to start medical trials in 2016, and if successful, will be available from as early as 2018. It has been funded by Pasemus Foundation and has been given FDA approval.

With just one injection, right into the scrotum, Vasalgel has the potential to last years. To reverse the process a second injection is administered. Since Vasalgel is non-hormone based, there are no side effects with the product. Would you have it? 

Tom, 21, graduate 

“Yes, I would take it. It allows you to be responsible for yourself instead of someone else.”

Mohammad, 34, supermarket worker 

“No, I wouldn’t take it. I don’t know what the side effects could be or what they even are, so no I wouldn’t try it.”

Olamide, 49,Thames Water employee

“Nah, I’m too old. I can barely walk, I’m almost 50 man.”

Michael, 24, events planner

“So you have to take it everyday? You can’t just be like oh I might get lucky today so I’ll take it? But seriously, it would depend on the side effects. If it was like, you get muscular, then yeah.”

Francis, 24, strategist

“I don’t trust them. Everything in my body is telling me no fuck that shit, but then I think about it more and it’s like why not? It could be a deal between me and my girlfriend. She takes it for a year then I take it for a year.”

Josh, 25, restaurant manager

“Jesus. I’ve not really heard much about it. Yeah I think it’s a really good idea. I’m very pro that. I would take it.”

Would you want your man to take it?

Lydia, 25, post production house employee

“I wouldn’t trust a guy to take it. I just wouldn’t be able to rely on them.”

“No, I wouldn’t take it. I don’t know what the side effects could be or what they even are, so no I wouldn’t try it.”

Ellie, 18, fresher

“I think it’s a good idea, but I wouldn’t trust a man to take it at all and I would use my own protection too.”

Angela, 24, local shop employee

“Really? For guys? Is it possible? It should be good because guys don’t do anything. They should take it instead of us, give us a break for once.”

Ella, 23, events gallery manager

“It depends on the guy. It’s definitely a good idea and I like the whole sharing of responsibility aspect.”