What’s the worst thing someone’s said to you on Tinder?

‘Can you sit on my face?’


From creeps to casanovas, Tinder is the place to be for hilarious, and sometimes worrying, chat-up lines. 

It’s amazing people actually manage to go on dates given these awful openers.

Sophie, 19, Travelling

“Actually, I have a lot. People say really weird shit to me, but I think I am weird as well. I got one last night, waffle or pancakes, or I will fuck you hard.”

Emily, 21, Hostess

“I get ones from people asking what kind of Pokemon do you want to be, or what underwear are you wearing. Sometimes what colour is your underwear, you know? I think it depends on how drunk I am on whether I reply or not.”

Sam, 20, Drainage engineer

“Some girl said to me once, can you sit on my face please? I swear to god, yeah. I just said ‘yeah alright’. I get loads of weird stuff really, but that’s probably the weirdest.”

Xavia, 23, Travelling

“I think this is more of a question you ask to girls, although I do have one weird pick up line that surprisingly worked. What’s the difference between me and my couch? My couch pulls out. Funnily enough it actually started up a conversation.”

Scott, 22, Travelling

“Fuck, oh I don’t know, I can’t think of a worst thing actually. I have had a few girls say some stupid fucking shit before, but it was on my old phone unfortunately.”

James, 20, Graduate, University of Hertfordshire

Awkwardly staring at girlfriend: “Errrrrr, I dont have Tinder.”

 Sarah, 19, Anglia Ruskin University

Pointing at James, above: “This is my boyfriend, so we don’t have Tinder I am afraid. I hope you don’t have fucking Tinder, you better not.”

Lauren, 18, Graduate, Dance college

“I did have Tinder, but that was way back when. I have a boyfriend now so I am not sure he would like that. But someone once asked me if I wanted to smoke weed with them.”