Get off Snapchat and get some work experience says killjoy Tory minister

She wants teenagers to put down the selfie stick and ‘broaden their horizons’

Teenagers should take less selfies and get work experience this summer, the minister for jobs has said. 

Employment minister Priti Patel told teenagers to “step away from the selfie stick and put down snapchat” and find valuable placements this summer if they want to get on in life.

Instead of relaxing, Patel wants us to use our holidays to “broaden horizons” and make the first steps into the world of work.

Minister Patel isn’t happy with your selfies

Her helpful comments were inspired by her own summers – when she was young she helped her dad in his shop and got up at 4am to deliver newspapers.

She said: “My father set up his first business in the 1970s so that he could support his family.

“He got up at 4am every day, delivering the morning newspapers while I helped by stuffing the Sunday papers with supplements.

“Seeing his drive and determination to make his business a success taught me about hard graft and the values of work.”

This is a waste of your summer apparently

In an article for The Sun, Patel said: “I’d encourage all young people to get involved and use their summer holidays to broaden their horizons and help set up the rest of their life.

“This is the perfect opportunity to step away from the selfie sticks and put down Snapchat and do some work experience.

“It will boost chances of getting a foot on the career ladder, an apprenticeship or even a job.”

The Employment Minister, who studied at Keele and the University of Essex, said employers have a duty to offer teenagers work experience to help find “the business leaders of tomorrow”.

She added: “By offering work experience in their organisation they can help train their future workforce and give young people the skills that will carry them through their life and career.”