The best and worst unis to get a job once you graduate
Cambridge didn’t win this one
Swots at Imperial have the best chance of getting a job when they graduate, while students at Aberystwyth and London Met are the most likely to be unemployed.
Meanwhile Cambridge are used to coming first in everything, but for graduate job prospects they only came third.
But they still beat Oxford who narrowly made the top 10 as the seventh best uni for employment prospects.
The Complete University guide revealed the best and worst unis for employment based on how many students got a job based on data from 2014 for graduates the year before.
Winners Imperial got an impressive 89 marks out of 100 for employment, while St. George’s came in second place.
They specialise in medicine, so its not surprising their army of doctor graduates did well finding work.
And Queen Mary is the worst Russell group in the country for finding a job after coming in 51st place.
Hot on their heels is Liverpool, coming surprisingly low in 41st place.
Up in Scotland, the best uni for getting a job turned out to be Glasgow while St Andrews just beat Edinburgh as the 21st best for employment.