Shock as Brunel posts link to hardcore Japanese porn site on course page
Not quite JSTOR
Bungling staff allowed a link to a hardcore porn site when advertising a course in Japanese.
Students were stunned after a sponsored link on the Brunel website sent them to a page showing x-rated videos.
Japanese-language students hoping to learn more about the language and culture were shocked when one of the links on the official page was to a Thai-site – showing x-rated Japanese sex clips.
Screen grab from the International page where Japan UK 150 was listed under Japanese Culture
A shocked researcher discovered the link to the explicit pornography site in the Japanese culture section of the London university’s website.
Students interested in learning more about the country’s culture would have been indecently immersed in a host of filthy images and videos.
The Thai porn site, Japan UK 150, is an 18 plus website featuring Japanese porn stars performing a range of hardcore sexual acts.
Other webpage links included in the resources page are for Japanese history, language guides, anime culture and radio stations.
Brunel bosses quickly removed the embarrassing blunder, which could have been accessed by the institution’s 15,000 students and the general public.
The saucy site linked to by the uni
A Brunel University London spokesperson said: “We are grateful that this inappropriate link was pointed out to us and we deleted it immediately.
“We expend considerable time and effort policing our 44,000 web pages which contain in excess of 100,000 links.
“Unfortunately, occasionally, what were previously innocent and useful links can change hands which is what we believe happened here.”