Everyone who has a double-barreled surname is fit
It’s a fact we all have to accept
Observation: people with double-barrelled names are usually really fit.
Find me a Hector Montagu-Stuart or a Sarah Smith-Dorrien or a Lucía Carvallo-Arriagada and you will have found me a very good looking person, nine times out of ten.
We spoke to some good looking, well-named people about what their surname means to them, and how it feels to be fit and have a fabulous name.
Livi Brooks-McLaughlin, 19, Bristol
Isabel Gonzalez-Prendergast, 20, Royal Holloway
My name makes me feel sparky. People are always telling me I have a long surname…I know. Or they say “you’re the one with the long name” as if I’m some weird fetish girl.
It does start a lot of conversations to be fair, everyone comments on it. The worst is when they joke “like speedy Gonzalez!” – ugh.
When I was younger I definitely thought it was definitely a curse, people made a huge deal about it, like whenever people in my year would purposely spend ages calling my name out – I used to just shout “G-P” at them, but now it’s definitely a blessing because it’s a memorable name. So edgy.
People with double-barrelled names are good looking because it’s character building. You gain a lot of confidence, sarcasm and sass. Sass plus sarcasm plus confidence equals beauty.
Sofia Tindall-Guignard, 23, Luxury Brand Media
George Filipović-Bullock, 20, Newcastle University
I added “Filipović” to my fathers surname “Bullock” about 4 years ago just before my maternal grandfather died, he had no sons and was always very sad about it. I wanted carry on his name. My name reminds me of him and his life, it also means that his name is not lost.
Aurora Wilson-Dyer-Gough, 22, Masterpiece Art Fair
Rhomey Aras-Payne, 20, Manchester
Yeah I like my name, it has its advantages and disadvantages people remember it but people also get confused trying to pronounce it.
Carolina Lozano-Baldeón, 20, Exeter
When I was younger I used to think my name was too long and was a bother to write all the time. But now I absolutely love it, sets me apart a bit and I’ve been told by some friends that Baldeon sounds like a house from Game of Thrones. House of Baldeon, yeah I’m cool with that.
I think it’s true about being good looking and double barrelled names – must just be a coincidence haha. No theories to support it though.