We asked City workers what they spend on a night out
They’re balling
The City is a part of London that has no chill. It imposes itself on you.
The columns and arches, the boutique displays (Boodles, Hermès, Tiffany & Co) and car-sized Union Jacks all exert a certain pressure. Maybe it’s the history – there are as many statues around here as pedestrians – maybe it’s just the money.
The Royal Exchange last night
Like the architecture, the city workers around here become pretty shameless, especially on a Thursday night. They gather in selfie-taking huddles outside Forge, pokey St Michael’s Alleway wine bars and the pubs in Leadenhall Market.
With their ties loosening up, I asked some finance types how much they like to spend on a big night out.
Ettie and Jen
Ettie: “I probably spend about £200 on a proper night out.”
Jen: “Do you really want to know? Well, after my divorce came through I had a night out with all the girls and spent £4000. Hopefully that’s a one off though.”
“Look I’m not a City boy. Well, not much of a City boy. On a good night out I’ll spend about £150 minimum.”
Carmen and Emily
Carmen: “Is it a big night? Well, if my card comes out it can get quite bad. I probably spend about £200.”
Emily: “Never less than £300 for me. I ended up spending £700 on a birthday night out this year.”
Sam and Dan
Dan: “I don’t see how it’s ever worth spending more than £200 on a night.”
Sam: “I really can’t be photographed if I’m going to say this… It’s usually something like £1,000. I do wake up regretting it but at the same time it’s usually worth it. Mixed feelings. I’m allowed to enjoy myself though aren’t I?”
Simon and Graham
Simon: “Do I look like George Clooney?”
Graham: “Simon is useless. I’m very generous with my money, on a night out I’ll be handing out £40 here, £50 there. I spend hundreds when I do things properly.”
Paula and Alex
Alex: “If you have money you actually like spending it less I think. It’s easier to be protective of it.”
Paula: “I’m different, I’ll spend about £200 on a night out if you include everything, food, drinks, taxis.”
“Sorry, I really can’t be photographed. On a real night out with everything included… £250 would be the base level. I’ve spent much more than that before.”
“I’m modest really. Other people tend to blow out far more than me. I think the most I spent in one night was last New Year’s eve, must have been £150.”