Boys’ edition: Who’s the fittest fresher in the country?
Survival of the fittest
They came from Nottingham and from Edinburgh. They came from Glasgow and Newcastle. The beautiful freshers, they came and they conquered. But who is the fairest of them all, not just in their local area, in the nation? Does Newcastle clean up? Is there something in the water up in Scotland? Vote for the best of the best, and give them the recognition they deserve.
Andrew Montgomery, Law, Nottingham
Guy Lough, Maths, Edinburgh
Ollie McCaffery, Graphic Design, Edinburgh
Eddie O’Toole, Maths, Edinburgh
Ben Supple, Psychology, Leeds
“As sharp and edgy as his own chiseled jawline, watch out – this guy will cut your heart in two.”
George Dunleavy, German and French, Leeds
“When moving to uni, there’s always a worry about making sure you’ve got everything, from appropriate bedding to kitchen knives… However, when you have cheek bones as sharp as George, who needs knives? These combined with his baby blue eyes make him a perfect candidate for Leeds’ fittest fresher.”
Patrick Ashby, Medicine, Leeds
“A Serbian who often plays tennis, he is renowned around not only Leeds, but the world for his on court prowess. The same prowess is rumoured to follow into the bedroom and there have been various accounts of him serving aces to any and every girl he meets at Fruity.”
Luke, History, and Patrick, Medicine, Glasgow
Max Desoutter, Geography, Newcastle
Fave chat up line: “The word of the day is legs. Come back to mine so we can spread the word?”
Todd Fin, Law, Newcastle
Fave chat up line: “I’m a virgin”.
Harvey Crawford, Economics, Newcastle
Fave chat up line: “If I toss a coin, what are the chances of me getting head?”
Benedict Thornton Douglas Wigmore, Architecture, Newcastle
Fave chat up line: “Hi my name is Doug. Thats god spelt backwards with a little bit of u in it.”
Milo Maxton, International Business Management with French and Russian, Newcastle
Favourite chat up line:
“Me: My magical watch says you aren’t wearing any underwear.
“Her: (I am.)
“Me: It must be an hour fast.”