Meet the twins who make £11k a month selling bricks and potatoes as pranks
They charge £7 for a potato
Twins Justin and Robbie Holt, 24, somehow managed to make £11,000 last month as part of their new joke business selling bricks and potatoes.
The Kent and Yale graduates charge to send either a brick or a potato to someone alongside an anonymous message.
Spencer Matthews has bought one for Jamie Laing, according to his Twitter.
Justin told The Tab: “People laugh and think it’s stupid but we don’t care. It’s like any good idea; the majority of people think it’s ridiculous when you first think of it.
“We’re not saying we’re the new generation Steve Jobs or anything but potatoes are the poor man’s apple.”
They even got the same haircut
Telling their best story, Justin said: “We had one guy have a brick sent to his ginger friend with the caption ‘what’s the difference between a brick and a ginger person? The brick gets laid!’
“Potentially a bit harsh, but amusing. Not sure if they’re still friends though now.”
The twins, who are originally from Devon, came up with the idea when they had a plate of potatoes in front of them.
Justin said: “We were at summer camp in the US and were having potatoes for dinner. We just laughed at the thought of sending one back home to our parents instead of a postcard.”
Lovely Christmas gifts
While working with your brother or sister sounds like a nightmare, Justin thinks working with his twin works just fine.
He said: “We actually get on really well. We live at home, share a car and work together and couldn’t do any of that if we didn’t get on, so thankfully it’s alright.
“We can’t wait to make enough to buy another car though; we’re both massive car enthusiasts so I’d say that’s been the only downside.
“Our parents were a little worried and confused about what we are doing but once we started making money they were pretty happy.
“But our friends found it hilarious from day one, so the hilarity continues as it continues to build.”
The twins packing their bricks and potatoes
While it sounds like a fun idea, do Justin and Robbie think £7 is a bit too expensive for a brick or a potato?
Justin said: “Once you add delivery it’s not that much, no. We’re not serving up gourmet dinners – we’re offering life changing moments, watching your colleagues or friends encounter such an anticlimax of a gift.
“Imagine your girlfriend’s face at christmas opening a present she thinks is the new Tiffany T ring and realising it’s a spud – priceless.
“We’re starting to see more and more orders for offices coming up to Christmas but it’s been a real mix.
“The whole Secret Santa is starting to kick in and we’re getting requests to delay delivery until December. You’d be surprised how many times people clearly in the early stages of romance have used a potato to express their true feelings.”
You can buy a brick or potato here.