Do you prefer red or brown sauce?
Mayo is for wimps
It’s the age old question haunting all brunches and burgers: ketchup or brown sauce?
We all know mayo’s a contender, even long island if you’re fancy. But this is Britain. This is London. It can only be Heinz Ketchup or HP brown.
Jack, 34, actor
Kendal, 26, T2 Tea company
Michelle, 36, T2 Tea company
“Brown sauce – with bacon.”
Amelia, 19, student
Joe, 16, student
“Ketchup – it’s more colourful.”
Megan, 19, student
“Ketchup – I don’t like brown.”
Neus, 22, student
Luke, 28, Huf Pop up
“Ketchup. Tomatoes innit.”
Sebastian, 22, science communicator
Eliot, 18, student
“Ketchup. Brown sauce always reminds me of old people.”