Fabric will not be forced to have sniffer dogs or ID scanners
There won’t be any dogs snapping at your ankles
After a number of drug-related deaths in the popular London nightclub, Fabric almost faced the possibility of having to introduce strict measures. It seemed that clubbers would be welcomed to the nightclub by sniffer dogs and strict ID checks.
Fabric released a statement on their website in December 2014, just after the review of their license, stating that they were “disappointed with the outcome of last night’s review and the fact that our points weren’t taken on board”.
As expected, the loyal followers of the popular nightclub were dejected by the news.
Mistajam performing at Fabric – photocredit: @beckysaif
But now Fabric’s appeal of the licensing review has since been successful. Woods Whur, Fabric’s Lawyers, ultimately came out on top against Islington Council, releasing a statement in the wake of their “landmark” victory.
It said: “After a year of preparation and three days in court we have been successful in our Appeal against Islington Council for Fabric, the iconic London club.
“Everyone at Fabric is delighted with the outcome and are very much looking forward to resuming our positive, long-standing and solid relationships with both Islington Council’s licensing department and the borough’s police to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for our club goers and local residents.”
Inside the popular nightclub – photo credit: @matte_v86
The Judge found the dogs would in fact push drugs to remain in circulation that would otherwise be confiscated by bouncers. She also found Fabric had no problems with violence and ID scanners were “disproportionate”.
Evidently, the overturn of the initial licensing review has proved to be good news coming before their New Year’s Eve party with Eats Everything, Maya Jane Coles and George Fitzgerald.
Well-known DJ Daniel Avery called it “an important day for London”.