The universities which produce the UK’s wealthiest and most influential grads
Oxford tops the list
To join the UK’s most wealthy and powerful social class you need to study at top unis like Oxford, Cambridge and LSE.
A league table of which universities produce the most elite graduates has been made by the people behind the Great British Class Survey.
They define the elite as those with massive savings, valuable homes and enormous cultural clout.
Put simply, the elite are the kind of people you’d like to be, living in a world somewhere between Downton Abbey and Rich Kids of Instagram, they are envied more than they’re respected.
The GBCS table shows that the universities usually seen as having the highest status are clustered at the top. Oxford, Cambridge and the University of London colleges dominate the table.
The close association between being in the elite and attending an elite university is not unexpected, but the GBCS table is the first time it’s been demonstrated on a large scale.
Oxford has nearly twice as many graduates who are in the elite group compared to graduates from highly ranked and prestigious universities like Edinburgh, St Andrews, Warwick and Essex.
Overall graduates from a small group of the most prestigious unis are disportionately represented in the elite.