Best clubbers: End of term special

We drank, we fought, we made our ancestors proud

Abs of the week

Abs of the week

And yet you’re eating Quavers and reading Clubbers of the Week

Best santa

Moustache placement on point

Clubber most caught by surprise

Oh this? It’s just got natural volume!

Clubbers unsure of what to do with urine samples

Not that

Best DJ

Knew I shouldn’t have chopped these onions on the deck

MostĀ embarrassed boyfriend

Jesus Sharon, he’s meant to be taking the pictures

Couple of the week

Camels are able to breed by the time they are between three and four years old, at which time the dominant male of the herd has breeding rights

Dragon of the week

Have you ever tried a ghost chili though

Jacamo advert of the week

Fashion for real men

Loneliest clubber

I brought these hats for all my… oh

Most annoyed double-booked photographer

But I wanted to snap that guy’s cool T

Financial meltdown of the week

Burn it all before the feds arrive

Most embarrassing fancy dress miscommunication

Haha, why do you guys always do this to me

Saddest clubber

I said short back and sides

Best T-shirt

(Tits are a family of small passerine birds which occur in the Northern Hemisphere and Africa)

Interaction of the week

Boys, cheer if you want this to end!