Prince William’s new bald haircut doesn’t make him any less fit
He’s still the Prince of our dreams
This week Prince William debuted his new 2016 look: an ever so slightly shorter haircut which has sent shockwaves through womankind. Clipped closely on the sides and buzzed on top, what was clearly intended to be a flattering mask for his failing follicles has sparked cries of disgust among even the most loyalist of royalists.
The new-do was first sported at Sunday service in Sandringham last week, and as soon as the photos emerged our Golden Prince was shunned as being frumpy, dowdy and even “Dad-like“. To start with, the poor guy has two kids, a day job as a heroic air ambulance pilot and all the commitments of being royal on top. If he wants to rock a no fuss, no nonsense style which also draws less attention to his imminent hair loss then so be it for God’s sake, let him live.
Isn’t he lovely?
Aside from that, and most crucially, what people seem to be bypassing here is that he obviously still looks divine. The shorter cut and those whispy hairs on the top of his head are a lesson in ageing gracefully for us all. Sure, some would say 2001 was potentially peak Prince William. Sixth former at Eton, his honey’d skin oozed radiance and that remarkably chiseled jaw could have quite literally broken through ice. He had a full head of amber tinted locks, not quite ginger, not quite blonde and those North Sea blue eyes could have melted even the stoniest of souls.
But it would be wrong to say he ever really declined. He remained on this plateau throughout the St Andrews days, where he met the equally as aesthetically pleasing Kate Middleton and even managed to look Godly in his graduation gown. Obviously, their wedding was a sight to behold. As he approached the alter in his Irish Guards tunic, perfectly offset with those gold sword slings, millions of hearts shattered throughout the nation. The red was a bold and courageous move from the groom, and he pulled it off effortlessly. This wasn’t the look of a man who had lost any inch of his good looks.
Still got it
Little Prince George was born two years later, and while you’d forgive any parent for looking a bit bedraggled following the birth of a child, Wills was still a complete picture of radiance leaving the hospital that day. Standing outside of St Mary’s, he looked like a man who would smell of freshly laundered cotton and buy you flowers for no reason. He became a DILF, the ultimate husband goals for us all.
Ultimately, a shorter haircut doesn’t change any of this. The deep sea eyes, dazzling smile and insatiable charm are all still there, all that’s changed is he has a few less hairs on his head. Wills has very much still got it, and it’s about time we started giving our Golden Prince the recognition he deserves.