The NUS say gay men are not oppressed enough to have LGBT+ representatives
Apparently they are a non-marginalised group
Gay men are not victimised and oppressed apparently, so the NUS has passed a motion that they are to be banished as representatives of any LGBT+ societies.
Instead of being acknowledged for the huge amount that gay men do for students across the UK through speaking openly and supporting other lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons, they are being accused of “misogyny, transphobia, racism and biphobia”.
So, gay men will lose their dedicated reps, as they are apparently a non-marginalised group.
According to Pink News, the motion said:
“Misogyny, transphobia, racism and biphobia are often present in LGBT+ societies. This is unfortunately more likely to occur when the society is dominated by white cis gay men.
“The rep system exists to ensure that societies committees can always have a reserved place for groups which disproportionately face oppression within the LGBT+ community.
“Gay men do not face oppression as gay men within the LGBT+ community and do not need a reserve place on society committees”.
The motion encourages “LGBT+ Societies that have a gay men’s rep to drop the position”.
Although the Sheffield conference also highlighted how gay men are at a higher risk of HIV and violence, the NUS still had the motion passed.
This decision comes a year after two gay law students from Plymouth University were kicked out of a pub due to the Landlord branding their behaviour as “disgusting” and “unacceptable”.
A gay student from Sheffield Uni was called a “gayboy” and told he should be fed to the dogs by a Bouncer at the Corp Club, before being kicked out last year.
In 2008, 18-year-old Michael Causer was murdered at a party in Liverpool for being gay.
In 2009 in Bromley, South London, 59 year old Gerry Edwards and his partner of 20 years, Chris Bevan, 56, were stabbed by an individual shouting homophobic abuse. Gerry died of his injuries and Chris was left in a critical condition.
Obviously gay men aren’t oppressed.