Are Von Dutch caps actually making a comeback?
Add low-slung jeans and a Tammy crop top
The Von Dutch trucker cap had its prime in the late 90s. It was prominent on the heads of prominent people: Paris Hilton, Justin Timberlake, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears and Pharrell Williams. Before long we were all wearing them with our low-slung jeans and Tammy crop tops – maybe even a Juicy tracksuit if we begged our mums enough.
But along with cowboy boots, slap bracelets and Baby G’s – they were the one of those 90s trends we left in the past. Until last weekend, when Kylie Jenner has posted photos of her wearing one. She posted four pictures on Instagram and a few on Snapchat.
Straight after her first post, the OG Denim Trucker cap sold out. Since then, they’ve been selling on eBay and Depop for as much as £25, with users referencing Kylie in their listings. I spoke to a few fashion experts to see what they thought about a possible resurgence.
“I personally haven’t seen them making a comeback,” says blogger, stylist and model Sophie Hannah Richardson. “But I’ve definitely noticed that a lot of fashionistas have been reppin’ a snapback. I’m a 90s girl at heart so if they do come back, I’m pretty sure one will work its way into my wardrobe.”
“Von Dutch caps give me (sort of) fond flashbacks to life in the early 2000s,” reminisces blogger Hannah Louise F. “I was a sartorially unaware pre-teen and was super envious of my friend’s collection, whilst my parents were opposed to spending ‘unnecessarily’ on brands (‘what’s wrong with the cap you’ve got?!’). I’m not sure I’ll be indulging in the trend again, but if anyone can bring them back it is Kylie Jenner and her pals.”
Hannah Louise F likes their nostalgic quality: “If anyone can bring it back, it’s Kylie”
“Von Dutch may seem like a laughable brand to some people, but they are most definitely making a come back,” Stylist Stephanie Woods told me. “They are a brand that have great nostalgic importance to me.”
“Being a 90’s/00’s kid, Pop was my era and anything that sparks memories of velour pink crop tops, party rings and 11th birthdays on the party bus parked outside my old childhood house are sentimental to me.”
“Kylie Jenner was also a 90’s/00’s child and is of the same generation – so maybe she feels exactly the same about the brand as I do.”
Stylist Stephanie Wood’s thinks they are making a comeback
Pippa Mead, Marketing & eCommerce Executive at Burns Jewellers Group isn’t so sure. “I personally can’t separate them from the memory of 12-year old chavs back in the day, but I guess whatever Kylie Jenner wears becomes popular. I recently saw an article about how the Cartier Love bracelet is the most searched for piece of jewellery on Google. So I guess Von Dutch is going to be the next big thing.”
Sophie Hannah Richardson hasn’t noticed it yet
But Annie Ward, assistant to fashion designer Anna Mason, thinks it’s a trend best resigned to the past. “Look back to 2004 when The Simple Life was at its peak. Everyone was running around in Juicy Couture, [carrying] Chloe Paddington bags, and [wearing] Von Dutch caps. There were Paris Hilton wannabes running around everywhere – even on the King’s Road. But let’s face it, Kylie – we all know you are trying to be the new Kim K West, but this is not a fashion item that will make a revival. Von Dutch should stay in the 2000s just like Britney’s meltdown.”