Things people from Suffolk are sick of hearing
Yes, the Suffolk Show is the highlight of our social calendar
Living in Suffolk means many things. Mostly, though, it means you are either posh, a farmer, or a posh farmer. It means you or someone you know can drive a tractor; it means that even if you don’t live on a farm, you pay regular visits to one. It means that lambing season has always been your version of a holiday, because it involves farm visits and wellies and sitting on hay bales with a lamb for cute family photos. It means that manure, to you, smells like home.
Lambing season 2k16
These are all stereotypes, though of course that means they’re broadly true. On the other hand, it gets a little dull hearing the same things every time you tell someone you’re from Suffolk.
These are some of the other things we’re a little tired of hearing. Even though they’re also true.
‘Do you go to the Suffolk Show?’
Yes, the Suffolk Show is renowned. We all go, and it’s the same every year, yet we still gather to visit the fairground, browse the tractor selection, check out those tweed stalls and get in the animal tents.
You are guaranteed to see at least 30 other people you know, and you can be assured that as a Suffolk purebred there are more people there you know who you don’t see. Some of us are Young Farmers who are even more involved, and those of us who aren’t one definitely know one.
Strolling around muddy grounds that smell reliably of manure, you see the upper middle classes in all their glory taste testing the unique cider blends and modelling their tweed hats and jackets or their new outfit from Joules. I mean hey, even the royals show up.
Oh hey Harry
‘I bet you own loads of tweed’
The tweed thing? Also not a joke. Whether you actually have any, or it’s just your parents who have the odd hat or jacket, we all have or wear some. Comes with the territory.
‘Bet you like country dancing’
Some of the more “traditional” Suffolk schools were impelled to teach us country dancing in primary school, and that would constitute the day’s PE lesson. Casual line-dancing is a skill that every true Suffolk guy and gal needs (apparently).
‘What is there to do in Suffolk?’
We know what’s “good” and “bad” in Suffolk. Plus we all have this weird thing against Norfolk where nobody really knows what caused it, but the rivalry is real.
Ipswich is what we all meant when we said we were going into “town”, even though every day its decline is becoming more and more obvious as we all move away to bigger cities and discover what a real “town” should be. Woodbridge is a location that epitomises the posh rep we all got, where after school we all met for Costa or saw all the “Woodbridge Mums” in Strawberry Caffe with sharing skinny lattes over the local gossip. Felixstowe is really just a home to the elderly which we only enjoy in summer, when all the young families suddenly arrive to use their beach huts for picturesque beach BBQs.
Instagram worthy tbh
‘You don’t sound like you’re from Suffolk!’
What does that mean? So many city people think we’re all either stupid with unintelligible country accents or really posh, with an RP accent to rival Prince Phillip’s, but that’s not true. In fact, we just have sort of bang average accents.