Would you vote to leave or stay in the EU?
‘I can’t see the benefit to leaving’
The UK is set to have a referendum on 23 June which will officially decide whether we should remain within Europe.
Young people could hold the power to sway the vote – but a report released last month showed only half of 18 to 34-year-olds are set to cast their vote. Stay campaigners say leaving the EU would hit young people the hardest with firms cutting down even further on entry level jobs for graduates.
With just over a month to go, we want to know how you’re going to vote.
Here’s what Londoners had to say when we asked if they’d stay or leave.
Sarah Virgo, 23, Office Management, Glasgow University, STAY
“I can’t see any benefit to us leaving. We’re too far from America and there would be no point in breaking away. The only reason we’d want to leave is to be a big power like Russia for example, but we’re not strong enough to achieve that.”
Matthew Newman, 28, Underwriter, Southampton University, STAY
“I don’t want to mess up the trade relations we’ve already got. I’m slightly worried about another recession or the possibility of deflation, and I kind of like the situation as it is currently.”
Ony Iroha, 30, Business Insider, Exeter University, STAY
“It’s easier for everybody if we stay and it gives a lot of laws which protect people, employers and employees in the UK. The people voting for and against don’t really know enough sound information to make a decision, so we should stay the same until we know all the pros and cons.”
Megan Haddow, 28, Publishing, Royal Holloway, STAY
“If we left there would be a lot of ramifications that we wouldn’t even realise, things we take for granted that would be lost. I don’t understand the reasons to leave and don’t find them compelling enough, they tend to be quite extreme.”
Tony Ross, 40, Electrical Engineer, LEAVE
“We have uncontrolled immigration, it’s 600 or 700 thousand people a year. I think we should have the Australian points of system if possible.”
Lulu Popplewell, 25, Writer, Cambridge University, STAY
“We should stay as the referendum has been brought in as a political tool for politicians to vie against each other. It is not backed by honourable or well considered reasons.”
Meg Nixon, 24, PR, London College of Communication, STAY
“I’m kind of divided but overall think we should stay. I can see the arguments from both sides, but half the reason the government are holding a referendum is due to the immigrant crisis. We shouldn’t stop people from coming into the country, that’s not the way to handle it.”
Simon, 52, TV Producer/Director, UNDECIDED
“I don’t understand the issues that are being presented because I feel like they are being manipulated. The out lot are a bunch of xenophobes and reactionaries, but I’m not convinced by the argument for staying in. You’re just convinced that there’s something they’re not quite telling you.”
Pete Butler, 27, runs a tech start-up, Cambridge University, STAY
“I want to live and work in other countries, plus there’ll be less of a queue at airports. The only people that will benefit from leaving the EU are lawyers.”
Sakky Barnor, 32, Video Editor, UCA Farnham, STAY
“It doesn’t make sense to leave the EU, it’s not broken so why try and fix it. Leaving will create more problems and will alienate the UK from other countries.”
Matthew Ingate, 21, Music Consultant, STAY
“It’s not perfect but remaining inside will help to democratise it as much as possible. We’re better off attempting to resolve the problem rather than just leaving it altogether, the points of exit don’t outweigh the points for staying in.”
Dave Buttle, 26, Waiter, University of Reading, STAY
“It makes me proud to know I live in a city that’s so multicultural, in my mind to be part of Europe is exciting. There’s so much culture and history on our doorstep, leaving would seem like we’re shooting ourselves in the foot. My friends are politicians and do make good cases for leaving the EU, but it seems like personal gain as oppose to being a collective unit that collaborates with other countries. We can look at other countries patterns that work incredibly well, such as Portugal’s war on drugs. Leaving the EU would put a stop to learning these kind of things.”
Sabina, 25, Manager, Anglia Ruskin, STAY
“We’re better off in it than out. We can’t and won’t thrive without it.”
Rick Manning, 25, Recruitment Consultant, Leeds University, STAY
“I was discussing this the other day actually, from a more selfish point of view I think stay because I would still like the opportunity to live and travel abroad.”
Asha Bramwell, 25, Fundraiser, Goldsmiths University of London, STAY
“We’d be like a little blip in the world if we didn’t stay, it’s good to be part of something. I like travelling so it’s handy to pop over to the EU and not have to worry about a visa.”
Adam Goodwin, 30, Product Manager, University of Manchester, STAY
“I’m not that clued up but think we should stay, I feel the world would be a more connected place and leaving would have bad implications. I like the fact you can easily cross countries. Leaving the EU and closing borders is a less progressive way forward.”